Fish Report
Klamath River Fish Report for 1-25-2009
Scott Caldwell
Steelhead don’t care that the temperature outside is 25 degrees, as long as they get to eat, they are happy. My friend Nolan and I hit the river for a few hours this afternoon and landed a fat hatchery Steelhead, the fish got his meal but to his surprise it had a hook in it. Mr. Steelhead made a valiant effort to spit the hook, but the only place he was headed was to the BBQ. Once we got him in the boat, Nolan and I preceded to get off the water as fast as we could. The weather was turning ugly and neither of us brought any gloves. Bare wet hands and 25 degrees; doesn't feel good on the fingertips. Soon there after Mr. Steelhead became grilled lemon Steelhead and was on the table 3 hours after being landed. MMMMM good.
For those of you wondering where I have been the last 20 days I was in a booth at the San Mateo and Sacramento Sportsman’s Expo's promoting my Guide Service and the Klamath Ranch Resort and RV Park. If you get a chance next year I recommend going and checking the shows out.
***Check out today’s pictures by clicking on the photo link below***