Fish Report
Starting 2021 the Klamath fishy way
Scott Caldwell
Al rang in 2021 by ripping a lotta Klamath lips yesterday. Monday was a pretty wet day on the river. We caught fish but most were small, but still fun and provided the action that made the wet day worth it. Tuesday was another story. The wet rainy weather stopped and the bigger fish turned on.
Al caught an released 20 nice Steely Trout by the end of the day. 19 of 20 fish were between 16 and 20 inches and put up great battles. All the fish were caught on 3 methods. Back trolling 3.5 maglips and diver worm combo were the two most productive while side casting rapalas produced a few nice fish.
Winter Klamath Steely Trout fishing will continue for the next few months. Fish in 20 to 30 inch class and 2 to 10 pound can be caught.
Give me a call 530 905 0758 or book online at